Monday, August 17, 2009

4th of July evening pictures

Alyssa snuggling Daniel while she patiently waits for the fireworks to start.

Mommy & Daniel

Daddy & Daniel

Daddy & Alyssa snuggling.

Hannah, Alyssa, Mommy & Daniel watching the fireworks. The base put on an excellent fireworks show, it was just as good as the show they put on in GF last year. It was about 20-30 minutes long and the kids enjoyed watching them. Everyone was ready for bed when we got home that night. We went home before the fireworks started and gave all the kids a bath, so bedtime would be a lot easier.

1 comment:

Nichole and Pete said...

Question answered!! I guess there were fireworks :) that'll teach me to ask a question before I finish looking at all the posts!!