Thursday, August 27, 2009

Daniel update...

Daniel is such a cutie pie and he instantly smiles when the camera comes out.

Sitting at the table.

Crawling around outside exploring!!!

So, we no longer have a high chair in our house, Daniel now sits at the table in his booster chair. Just look how proud he is, he is such a big boy!!!

Crawling around in his cute tractor pj's!!!

Being his cute self!!!

Playing with the water bucket!!!

Playing in the grass!!!

Not to much of a change since my last update on Daniel. He now has seven teeth, he got three more in two days just last week. He is crawling all over the place and is just getting on his knees to see more things. Daniel does not really have an interest in standing yet. He likes to crawl under the dining room table and chew on it, which drives me crazy. I am constantly pulling him out from under there. He is a very happy baby and loves to play with his big sisters!!!

Herforster Fest 2009

The Girls and Daddy eating lunch.

There was music going on pretty much for three days straight. They even played until about 4:00 in the morning.

Riding the roosters!!!

The girls eating cotton candy!!!

Daddy and the girls eating cotton candy!!!

Mom and the kids eating cotton candy. This was the first time that all the kids ever had cotton candy and everyone liked it, even Alyssa (shocking). Daniel couldn't get enough.

Hannah & Daddy on the bumper cars. Hannah had no interest after this experience to go back on the bumper cars, but she did try them again at Pig Fest a couple weeks ago.

Alyssa & Daddy on the bumper cars.

The girls in the jeep!!!

Daniel snoozing

Alyssa and her new trumpet, she couldn't live without. I was lucky enough that the sound wore out after three days of blowing on it.

Hannah with her trumpet, which she dropped on the way home and it broke. Easier on the ears that way:o)

Alyssa & Mommy on the bumper cars!!!
This festival took place in our village, so we got to walk to it.

The kids...

The kids in their new t-shirts from Great-Aunt LouAnn.
"Someone in North Dakota Loves Me"

Hannah reading a bedtime story to Daniel!!!

Taking a bath!!!

Playing together, which I see quite a bit lately!!!

Here they are again, playing together.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Life lessons...

Hannah's first bee sting, which she got when eating blackberries.

My girls always have banged up legs, check out this bruise on Alyssa's leg. It is the shape of the letter R, I thought that was just weird.

Hannah healing leg.

Here are both of the girls with bandaged up legs. They both fell within two minutes of each other on our way to Herforster Fest. They were walking on one of the ledges just down the street from our house. First it was Hannah, her was worse than Alyssa. Then as Bill and Hannah were walking back home Alyssa fell.

Final life lesson in the past two months is not to touch just any old plant along the road or sidewalk. We were by the sheep in our village and the girls were pulling up wheat to feed them. Well, unfortunately Alyssa go a hold of some burnweed. Once she heard that it was burnweed, she thought she was on fire and what a fuss she made all the way home.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A day in the life of the Gruenes family...

Daniel watching his sisters feed the fish.

Hannah, Daddy & Alyssa feeding the fish at the pond.

One of the many frogs in our pond.

Daddy & the kids feeding the fish.

Some of the fish.

One of the four turtles in our pond.

The girls fishing.

The girls chasing one of the many cats in Herforst.

The cows in Herforst.

Watching the cows.

The girls talking to the pony.

Some of the ducks in Herforst.

A rooster.

Going for a wagon ride!!!

Out for a walk!!!

Having fun!!!
This is some of the many things we do here in Herforst everyday. The only thing I don't have a picture of yet is the sheep that also live here in our village. There are so many things to go see when we go on our walks. We also enjoy a trip to the local bakery a couple times a week. We sure are going to miss this place when we move.

Reading books together!!!

They are all three starting to do more things together, now that Daniel is more mobile.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The girls on the patio...

Enjoying the weather.

Snapshots of Mister Daniel aka Mister Guy Guy

After a bath!!!

Playing in the kitchen!!!

In the toy room!!!

Daniel close up, you can even see his bottom teeth.

Trying to pull himself up on his toy!!!

In the laundry basket!!!