Thursday, April 30, 2009

Daniel with...

His sisters!!!


Hannah giving hugs.

Alyssa. Taking a snooze on the couch.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Making deviled eggs!!!

Alyssa helping out with making deviled eggs & egg salad. She loves peeling eggs.

Daniel in his Easter outfit!!!

Isn't he just handsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First time in the saucer!!!

He tolerated this for about five minutes, which I thought was pretty good.

Here is an idea of how big Daniel is...

Take note that this picture was taken about a month ago.
Daniel had his well baby check on Monday and he is now weighing in at 18 lbs. 3 oz. and measuring 26 1/2 inches long. He is now in the 90th percentile instead of the 95th-97th for his weight.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Our Family...

Daddy reading the kids Alyssa's new book that she got for her birthday.

Mommy & Daniel

Mommy with the three animals!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hannah Ellen...


Cutie Pie

She sure looks sweet doesn't she??? Don't let her fool you:o)

Wrestling with Alyssa, she wins a lot of the time. I have learned to just let the girls duke it out. If they can dish it out they should be able to take it.

She wanted me to take a picture of her foot in this picture. Hannah is a very silly little girl.

More pictures of Daniel...

Holding on to that binky.

This picture is for LaVonne & Bruce. Here is the outfit that you got for him, this one he has also outgrown:o(

I loved these overalls on him!!!

Daniel in his swimsuit. First day swimming, unfortunately Daddy was to busy with Alyssa and Hannah, so we didn't get a picture of him in the water. He normally loves the water at bath time, but in the pool he was so serious. He didn't cry, but just looked so serious.

Holding his bottle, this doesn't happen to often yet.

Alyssa & Hannah playing Don't Break the Ice

Great choice, Brenda. The girls just love this game!!!
They liked all the books and games.
Thank you:o)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Opening Birthday presents from Grandma & Grandpa G.!!!

Thank you for the great presents!!!!!!!!!!!!
We use our Tinkerbell sets all the time.

Daniel William...

These two top pictures are for Nancy & Kevin. Here is Daniel in the outfit you got him. He wore the sweatshirt all the time, but unfortunately he already outgrew it. He is growing way to fast. In onesie shirts he is already outgrowing the 6-12 month size (Old Navy brand), he has a very long torso. So I mostly put him in two piece outfits. His pj's are still 6-9 month, but who knows for how much longer. In outfits he mostly wears 12 month. Both Daniel and Alyssa have well baby checks on Monday, so I will give you a for sure weight then. We weighed him on the scale here and he is almost 20 pounds with clothes on.

You can see in this picture that he is not a fat little guy, he is just long and big. Yes, he does have a few rolls, I know.

Here he is holding some rings. He loves to play with his toys now and is tolerating his stomach a little better. Daniel still hasn't figured out how to roll from tummy to back, but we are still working on it. Oh, and last Sunday he laughed for the first time. He has a very cute little laugh!!! I am so excited for him to continue to learn new things and at the same time I am very sad, as he is growing up to quickly.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Alyssa Nikay...

Talking to Daddy on the phone.

Alyssa's fat lip from Hannah.

Our cutie pie!!!

Alyssa the goon.
She got these glasses from playgroup (Hannah has a pair too) and decided that she just loved them. At least it was only for one day:o)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Working together on a floor puzzle.

Both girls just love putting puzzles together. Alyssa is starting to get interested in the 100 piece puzzles, but still needs a little help with them. Hannah is now doing the 3-6 year old puzzles without any help. They both do a great job!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mommy!!!!!!!

Hannah & Daddy made the cake and Alyssa helped decorate it. It was very delicious!!!!!! I had a great birthday, I even got to eat out at my favorite restuarant.


Daniel fell asleep watching the girls play.

Our "new" Thomas the Train set

We have been looking into starting a train set for the girls since before Hannah's birthday. I have been hoping to find it used as it is so expensive. I found someone that was selling this Thomas train set. The people selling it were nice enough to throw in an extra train, so each of the girls would have one. Now we just need to find some extra track and trains. I am hoping to find it used, if anyone has any ideas please let me know.

A present from Auntie & Uncle Pete!!!!!!!!!!

Besides getting the girls individual presents this year Nichole and Pete decided to also get them a gift together. Bill and I figured that we would let them open it around my birthday as it falls right in between both of the girls. They just love their basketball and hoop. It is great as it can be low for them right now or raised when they are ready.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Land in Bitburg...

Daddy & Hannah on the trampoline.

Alyssa bouncing!!!

Mommy & Alyssa on the go carts.

Alyssa climbing.

Hannah in the bouncy castle.

Mom growling

Daddy & Hannah on the swing.

Alyssa shooting.

The girls on the train.

Hannah shooting.

Alyssa on the horse.
This is a great place to bring kids and parents to burn some energy. The girls had a blast and Mr. Daniel slept through all the excitement!!!!!!!!