Thursday, February 05, 2009

Our Sweet Little Boy!!!

Are we going to have a thumb sucker? I'm not quite sure yet, we have caught him several times sucking his thumb. He doesn't really like his binky to much, but he will take it some of the time. I do like that he will just sleep without it for between 5 & 6 hours at night. Both Alyssa & Hannah loved thier binkies and wouldn't sleep without them. I also thought I would give everyone an update on Daniel. We brought his stool samples back in last week and found out that he still has blood in his stools. Bill brought Daniel to Trier on Tuesday to see a specialist. They took blood to run some tests and did a sweat test. We haven't heard back yet, but the doctor didn't seem to concerned and thought it would just fix itself. I will let you know what we find out from the doc.

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