Monday, February 02, 2009

Daniel with his new toy.

This is what we got Daniel for his Christmas present this year. It is a 5 in 1 gym for ages newborn to 5 years old. It turns into a table and easel for when he is older.
Can you believe that I am finally caught up on my pictures!!! I do have some in the camera, but I will get those later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle! Daniel is so cute! Bet he's getting big!!

Yes, we are expecting baby #4! I was sure I told you that in a comment on one of your blogs a while back, but maybe it didn't post successfully. I am due August 8, and we don't know yet whether it's a boy or a girl. I have a sonogram on Feb. 25 so we are hoping to find out then!