Saturday, February 28, 2009

Naughty, Naughty

So, the girls have started playing upstairs by themselves a little bit. I had fed Daniel and I heard them just laughing up a storm upstairs. So, I was just going to peek and see what they were having so much fun doing. Well, they were in the bathroom throwing water everywhere. The bathroom was completely soaked and so were they, so I went and got them towels to dry it up with and they wiped up the entire bathroom. It was pretty funny, I couldn't even get mad at them. I could barely keep a straight face. Now we just have to have certain rooms locked and they do just fine.


Nichole and Pete said...

Pete and I both busted out laughing reading this...that is hilarious. And the expression on Alyssa's face in the picture is priceless!!

Lisa said...

Yep. Get ready, cause those two are going to be trouble!! ~wink~ 'Specially when Mommy's hands are full.


Anonymous said...

Now you have a small taste of what my boys get into! We lock the laundry room, bathroom and storage closet downstairs just to have the peace of mind that they cannot get into mischief when they're down there playing! (Their bedroom and the arctic room, which is basically they're toy room, are down there. So they play down there a lot!)