Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hannah Reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear!!!

Naughty, Naughty

So, the girls have started playing upstairs by themselves a little bit. I had fed Daniel and I heard them just laughing up a storm upstairs. So, I was just going to peek and see what they were having so much fun doing. Well, they were in the bathroom throwing water everywhere. The bathroom was completely soaked and so were they, so I went and got them towels to dry it up with and they wiped up the entire bathroom. It was pretty funny, I couldn't even get mad at them. I could barely keep a straight face. Now we just have to have certain rooms locked and they do just fine.

Our Handsome Little Boy!!!

2 months old

Look it's Hannah Montana!!!

Mommy & Alyssa

Oh look Alyssa's sleeping:o)

Just look at the difference.

Hannah left Alyssa right
Can you believe that Hannah is wearing a 9 1/2 shoe and Alyssa a 10 1/2 and they are almost two years apart. Soon Hannah will be passing Alyssa up and Alyssa will be getting the hand me downs.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Playing outside in the snow!!!

Alyssa with her partial snowman.

Hannah & Daddy

Alyssa with a snowball.
Here we are with a bunch of snow again. The girls just love it!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

You gotta love these pics!!!


Take me out of this...

So, Hannah didn't want to put her pj's on, so we told her that Daniel was going to wear them. Usually this works, but unfortulately she said "okay". So, I thought it would be funny to put him in these to see what she would do. Daniel didn't think it was such a good idea.

Daddy's favorite sleeper of all times!!!

Alyssa Nikay
5 months old

Hannah Ellen
4 months old

Daniel William
2 months old

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mommy with her Three Valentines

Alyssa, Hannah & Daniel just wanted to thank everyone for all the Valentines. They enjoyed all the presents and candy, Grandma & Grandpa M, Auntie Nichole & Uncle Pete and Brenda.
Thank you!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just look at those cheeks!!!

Mr. Daniel

My Deals at the BX

Goofy Girls!!!

In case you are wondering this coat is Alyssa's for now, it is a size 4T. Hannah looks like a linebacker in it.
I just have to tell you about my deals at the BX. Well, both the coat and the snowpants were marked 75% off, so I thought that will be pretty cheap. They rang up 75% off and the cashier took an additional 75% off of that price. In other words I got the snowpants for under a dollar and the jacket for just over a dollar. What a deal!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Alyssa Nikay...

now weighs 36 1/2 pounds and is 41 1/2 inches tall.
I also have some exciting news!!!
Alyssa no longer is wearing pullups at night, she has been dry a lot the last couple of months. So, I finally decided that she was ready and she is doing great. This whole month she has only had one accident and she caught herself and went to the bathroom to finish.
Way to go, Alyssa!!!

Hannah Ellen...

now weighs 28 lbs. 7 oz and is 35 3/4 inches tall.

You'll never believe it...

So, I brought the kids in for our WIC appointment yesterday and "Little" Daniel is already over 14 pounds and 23 inches long. He has already gained six pounds and 2 1/2 inches and isn't even two months old yet. He is off the chart for his weight.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Snoozing with Daddy

This happens every night before bed. Daddy and Daniel fall asleep in the chair together.

We're not looking at you

That's what they told me when I went to take their picture.

Reading books with Daddy!!!

All the kids reading books with Daddy.

Our Anniversary Gift to each other!!!

Our family size

This is what Bill and I got each other for our 5th Anniversary, which is this weekend (Valentine's Day). Here is the table with both leaves in it, it is enormous. Once Daniel is sitting at the table we will probably need to put in one of the leaves just to have extra room.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our Little Girl

So, these pajamas last about 30 minutes if that. You gotta love the hair!!!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Girls at the Herforst Park!!!

On the swings

Playing on the slide.

Hannah going head first!!!

Alyssa climbing the ladder.

Playing on the teeter totter.
Well, we have been in Germany now for six months and we just found this park. Herforst is a small village, so as you can see we are always finding new things to do when we go on walks. I can't believe Hannah is already ready for the big girl swings. Both Girls are growing up so fast.

Tummy Time to Sleepy Time...

Daniel is not a big tummy sleeper like Hannah was. I couldn't believe it when he fell asleep. We were just hanging out, he wore himself out and fell asleep for a while.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Daddy with all the kids.

Little Daniel sharing Daddy with Alyssa & Hannah, while Hannah finishes her breakfast.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Our Sweet Little Boy!!!

Are we going to have a thumb sucker? I'm not quite sure yet, we have caught him several times sucking his thumb. He doesn't really like his binky to much, but he will take it some of the time. I do like that he will just sleep without it for between 5 & 6 hours at night. Both Alyssa & Hannah loved thier binkies and wouldn't sleep without them. I also thought I would give everyone an update on Daniel. We brought his stool samples back in last week and found out that he still has blood in his stools. Bill brought Daniel to Trier on Tuesday to see a specialist. They took blood to run some tests and did a sweat test. We haven't heard back yet, but the doctor didn't seem to concerned and thought it would just fix itself. I will let you know what we find out from the doc.

Reading to her babies.

Here is Hannah again with her baby boys, this time reading to them. She is such a sweetheart.

Daniel in his hoodie.

These pictures are for you Nichole. His first and last time wearing it, hoodies are not for babies. Daniel cried almost the whole time wearing it, he just wasn't comfortable in it. He sure does look cute in it though.

Snuggled up!!!

Alyssa snuggling with her little brother.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Our Three Angels!!!

Daniel getting kisses from his sisters. The girls are constantly all over Daniel. They love him so much, sometimes too much.

Photos by Hannah

Of course Hannah is interested in taking pictures, too. Hannah likes to do anything that her big sister is doing. These pictures were taken with the assistance of Mommy.

Photos by Alyssa

Alyssa is getting very interested in taking pictures. She actually does a great job now too, without any help.