Monday, September 08, 2008

Update-Things going on in our lives...

Tuesday: I went to the OB orientation that I was suppose to go to before my first doctor's visit. I got to learn about all the German hospitals. They don't supply you with pillows, blankets, sheets, robes, towels, and anything that an American hospital would supply you with. I also found out that our son will not be circumcised until he is about two weeks old and that will be done on base. As German hospitals do not believe in circumcising until they are two or three and can be put under for the procedure. All the differences between Americans and Germans.
Thursday: Bill had to return our rental car, so we are back to sharing one vehicle until we find one to purchase. We are hoping to make a trip to Ramstein to check out the cars there that people are selling, there just isn't really a selection here as the base is a lot smaller.
Friday: We got our shipment delivered!!! The girls spent the day with a child care provider in Binsfield, just a couple miles from us. We got the toy room set up and started on the kitchen. There was only one thing that has broke so far, but a lot of items that are scuffed up. Our little freezer got pretty banged up and dented, not to happy about that one. We are missing hardware for our futon and the girls bunkbeds, so we are hoping it just got put in a box we have not opened yet. Most of the hardware was taped to everything, so who knows, I just hope we find it and it didn't get thrown away.
Saturday & Sunday: We spent unpacking boxes and setting up rooms. We also went to the Catholic mass in Spangdahlem on Sunday for the first time. We are thinking about going to Protestant every other week and Catholic the other weeks. Oh, since I unpacked the potty chair on Saturday Hannah has been wanting to use it, so everytime I change her diaper I let her sit on it if she is interested. Just last night before her bath she came running into the bathroom holding herself saying, "Daddy, Daddy". Bill took off her diaper and she sat right down and peed in the potty chair and said, "All done" and slammed the lid down. We were all very excited for her and made a big deal about it. I am just going to continue to let her sit on it if she is interested, we are not going to push her into it . Who knows maybe she will be potty trained before her little brother comes in December.
Today: Hannah got two more teeth!!! She is just missing her fourth K9 tooth on the bottem now. We ate at our first resturant off base tonight in Speicher, it was a Pizza place and we just had to go to the ice cream shop just down the road afterwards.
So, that is the update on us for this past week. I know I need to post some pictures, I will have to get on that here soon.

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