Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another week: Pictures from June/July

Hannah snoozing in her crib.

Grandma M, Alyssa, Mommy & Hannah all reading a book.

Hannah playing with her best friend, Dakota.

The girls all covered up.

Wednesday: September 10th I am officially 24 weeks along, only about 14 weeks to go before we meet our new addition to the family!!!
Thursday: Hannah had her 18 month well-baby check today. She weighed 25 lbs and measured around 34 inches tall (not positive I can't find the paper it was wrote on). She is a very tall little girl (95th percentile) and average for her weight.
Friday: I got all the boxes unpacked and put away!!! Just the wall hanging stuff yet to unpack. And still no hardware for the bunkbeds and futon. I'm not very happy about that.
Saturday: We spent the whole day in Ramstein shopping. We spent the evening with Bill's old Shop Chief from Grand Forks from four years ago and his family (Jeff, Diana, CJ & Zak). We got to order a snizel (not sure of the spelling) for the first time. It is pork, Bill got a hawaiian for me and got parmesan for himself and a German salami pizza for the girls. It was all very delicious.
Today: We spent the most of the day hanging up pictures on the walls and got through all the boxes and there is still no hardware. I guess we are going to have to try contact the companies that manufactured both the futon and the bunkbed and see if they will send us the hardware we are in need of. We went to Bitburg to go the the Commissary and BX, as the Commissary is closed in Spangdahlem on Sundays. We have had a very productive week. Our things were all delivered last Friday and we are almost all back to normal living. Next we are going to work on painting the walls in most of the rooms in the house.


Anonymous said...

So are these pictures taken in your new house? Do you already have Grandma visiting you in Germany? Glad to hear things are going well and can't wait to see pics of that little boy!

Everyone here has had there babies now. We had a girls' night over at my house last night and there were 4 newborns in attendance! Crazy all the babies that are around these day! But so much fun!! :)

Nichole and Pete said...

I love the pic of Hannah poking at makes me laugh!! Glad to hear you are almost done with your unpacking. Is snizel kinda like Pizza or a calzone or something like that??