Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our Going Away Party...

Auntie and Alyssa chowing down.

Alyssa after having lunch and a bar.

Alyssa, Hannah, Daddy and Uncle Nate taken a rest.

Alyssa giving Uncle Nate kisses.

Alyssa's first time getting ice cream from an ice cream truck.

Hannah after her ice cream!!!

Alyssa getting ready to spit water.

Hannah, Marissa, Alyssa and MarJenna.

Open up Uncle Pete!!!

Uncle Nate helping Hannah put on her shades.

Alyssa on Paul's bike along with Grandpa.

Hanging out with Uncles

Hannah & Uncle Nate reading a book.

Uncle Pete & Alyssa being silly!!!

July: Friends from England visiting GF

Alyssa & Tyler

Emma & Hannah

Monday, September 29, 2008

July: Splasher's in Grand Forks

Our Family

Hannah playing in the water.

The girls playing together.

Daddy & Hannah going down the slide!!!

Alyssa going down the slide!!!

Daddy & Alyssa coming out of the toilet slide.

Hannah & Mommy

Alyssa and Mommy

Sunday, September 28, 2008

More July Pictures...

Uncle Pete & Hannah

Hannah, Mommy & Alyssa
This picture was taken after Alyssa's first big haircut and Mommy's new haircut.

Alyssa reading Hannah a book.

Alyssa watching a show with Grandpa.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

July: A day in the sun

Eating at the Keg's in Grand Forks.

Playing at the spray park.

Playing in the water at Sherlock pool in EGF.

Drying off after playing in the water.

July: Alyssa first ice cream cone!!!

Yes, it is chocolate dipped in chocolate.

This is really good!!!

First time eating a cone and she loved it.

Almost done.

Buffalo Wild Wings going away party.

Alyssa & Emma chowing down french fries.

Travis, Brin, & Hannah

More July Pictures...

Giving Daddy kisses!!!

Alyssa blow drying her hair at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Cutie Pie!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Some snapshots of the Local area in Germany.

Spangdahlem AFB's front gate.

The view from our kitchen window.

The view from our living room window.

This snapshot was taken from Ben's girlfriend's window near Ramstein.

Trier, Germany

Trier, Germany

The beautiful trees of Germany.

This week we didn't do anything to exciting.
Ever since I unpacked the potty chair Hannah has been very interested in using it. She has been peeing and pooping in it. I know it took Alyssa a long time to poop in the potty chair/toilet. Hannah just wants to be like her sister and will go almost anytime that you change her diaper. She is a very big girl and Alyssa is a very big sister for showing her how to do it the right way. We all cheer her on when goes and she just loves it. Next weekend we plan on taking Hannah's binky for good, she has only been having it at nap and bedtime for the last month. Once we are done with the binky I think we will be working on the potty training a little more if she is interested.
Tuesday Bill went in for his elbow, it has been bothering him for some time now. I guess they are going to start him on physical therapy and hopefully that will help.
Besides that we had our doctor's appointment on Friday and went to church on Sunday. We have been spending our extra time going for walks in the village we live in and on trails. The girls have been collecting rocks, flowers, snails and whatever they come across. We have also been picking blackberries, raspberries, apples, and walnuts. There is just so much to see in this little village, it is amazing the new things we find every day. We finally found a park that is just about four blocks from our house, so we have yet another place to go to.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Amazing Picture!!!

25 weeks and two days
Sorry about the huge space. I got my scanner to temporarily work, and now it's not working once again. We are working on getting a new printer/scanner. So, we had a doctor's appointment on Friday. This is a 3D ultrasound picture of our little guy, but of course he would not move his hand from his face. If he had you could have seen what he is going to look like. I thought this was just amazing!!! We never had one of these done in the states, so it was new for us. I just hope we are able to get this done again before he is born. I would love to see his little face.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Holiday Inn Waterpark-GF in July

Daddy and the girls.

Mommy and the girls.

Hannah playing in the water.

Alyssa going down the water slide.

Hannah & Daddy in the hot tub.

Alyssa warming up in the hot tub.