Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hannah Girl...

Hannah just loves her catapillar. As you can see she fell asleep holding on to it. She is always pulling it, so she can hear the music.

Here is Hannah wearing one of Alyssa's old snowsuits. It was her first and last time wearing it as she already needs the next size up. She is growing so fast. Hannah is already wearing 9-12 month clothing and size 4 diapers.

Hannah playing in her new pj's.

Playing with the baby doll, she is so sweet.

Messy Girl!!!
Hannah after eating strawberries and blueberries. I have been making all of Hannah's baby food this time around. I have found that it is way cheaper than buying it all like we did with Alyssa.

1 comment:

Breaux said...

Too funny holding the catepillar in her sleep!! She is such a big girl, she just isn't slowing down at all is she?