Thursday, September 20, 2007

Daddy's home!!!

Alyssa, Daddy & Hannah at the park.

Alyssa & Daddy racing down the slide.

Daddy & Hannah going down the slide together.

We picked Bill up right around 5:00 pm on the 15th of September and we were all outside together that evening. Alyssa was very excited to see her Daddy again and Hannah had to have remembered him as she didn't cry once when alone with him. Hannah has a thing with glasses most of the time, but there are some exceptions.


Zeimetz Family said...

Aww, I'm happy Bill made it home safe and sound and is back with his beautiful family!! Hope all is well!

Breaux said...

It's nice to see Bill back and the whole family together. It looks like everyone is having a good time, I'm sure Alyssa is on cloud nine having Daddy back!