Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Alyssa feeding Hannah

Alyssa just loves feeding her little sister. Hannah will eat a bottle for Mommy or Daddy in about 5-10 minutes, but for Alyssa she will eat the bottle in about 30 minutes. And Alyssa will feed her every last drop of the bottle too. Alyssa is our little mommy!!!

Enjoy the video!!!


Zeimetz Family said...

Aww, Im glad Alyssa likes being a big sister, from the looks of it she's doing an awesome job too! Geeze they're both getting so big!

Anonymous said...

That's cute, I like Alyssa's response to if she likes feeding Hannah, the expression on her face is great!! Hannah looks pretty content having her big sister feed her. I always enjoy the video clips you put on they brighten up my day :)--Auntie Koko