Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Girls...

Hannah Ellen
7 months old

Alyssa Nikay
Almost 9 months old

Alyssa Nikay

Posing for the camera.

Wearing her kitty jacket and her new winter hat.

Big Girl...

Hannah in her new big girl carseat.

Hannah's last time in her infant carrier.

I brought Hannah in yesterday to have her weighed and measured. At 7 months and one week she weighs 19 lbs. 14 oz. and measures 28 inches long. She is growing like a weed.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Alyssa Dancing...

All I can say about this video is that it is sure to get you to laugh if you are having a bad day. I tried my hardest not to laugh when I was taping it.

The Hannah worm!!!

Hannah hasn't quite figured out how to crawl yet, but she can get where she wants by doing the Hannah worm. She gets herself up really high then just plops forward and does that until she gets where she is going.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Alyssa & Hannah

Funny, Funny!!!

Oh, that is even funnier.

These pictures are so funny of Alyssa. Hannah pretty much looks the same in all of them. I was trying to just get a picture of the two of them with their new cushions and Alyssa was being a goofball. Alyssa is wearing her new leotard for gymnastics.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Getting ready to bowl.

Alyssa waiting for her turn.

Alyssa, Mommy & Hannah.
Hannah loved watching her Daddy and Sister bowl.

Daddy & Alyssa
Daddy spent his week off going to all the activities that we usually go to plus some extra ones like bowling and swimming. We had a blast having him home with us all week long!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Alyssa feeding Hannah

Alyssa just loves feeding her little sister. Hannah will eat a bottle for Mommy or Daddy in about 5-10 minutes, but for Alyssa she will eat the bottle in about 30 minutes. And Alyssa will feed her every last drop of the bottle too. Alyssa is our little mommy!!!

Enjoy the video!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Making soup...

Here is Alyssa grinding the pepper into the vegetable soup that her and Daddy made together.

Daddy's home!!!

Alyssa, Daddy & Hannah at the park.

Alyssa & Daddy racing down the slide.

Daddy & Hannah going down the slide together.

We picked Bill up right around 5:00 pm on the 15th of September and we were all outside together that evening. Alyssa was very excited to see her Daddy again and Hannah had to have remembered him as she didn't cry once when alone with him. Hannah has a thing with glasses most of the time, but there are some exceptions.

Mommy and her girls...

Here are the Girls and I at the park the day Bill got home.


I don't really know what Alyssa was exactly doing in this picture.

Alyssa decided while I was making supper that she was going to climb into Hannah's highchair and buckle herself in, then she was upset that she couldn't get out.

Alyssa sitting on the blanket.
Cute smile!!!

Reading Green Eggs and Ham.

Hannah Girl...

Hannah just loves her catapillar. As you can see she fell asleep holding on to it. She is always pulling it, so she can hear the music.

Here is Hannah wearing one of Alyssa's old snowsuits. It was her first and last time wearing it as she already needs the next size up. She is growing so fast. Hannah is already wearing 9-12 month clothing and size 4 diapers.

Hannah playing in her new pj's.

Playing with the baby doll, she is so sweet.

Messy Girl!!!
Hannah after eating strawberries and blueberries. I have been making all of Hannah's baby food this time around. I have found that it is way cheaper than buying it all like we did with Alyssa.

Here Hannah comes...

Look out Alyssa, Hannah is going to get your train.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Hannah in the tub

I decided to replace Hannah's tub video with this picture.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Alyssa Nikay...

This picture is so cute.

Eating eggs and toast for lunch.

Relaxing in her chair.

Hannah Banana...

Cute as can be!!!

Having a taste of Mommy's orange Minute Maid Popsicle.

Hannah got herself all wrapped up in her blanket this morning. Alyssa thought it was very funny.

The girls

Here is Hannah and Alyssa laying in Mommy & Daddy's bed.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Just woke up...

This is how Hannah is every morning when she wakes up. She is just the happiest little girl. I wake up to her just have the best time in her crib, it is so cute.

Oh, Alyssa also tells anyone that asks her her sister's name that her name is "Hannah Banana". I guess I call Hannah that way to much.

Pooh Bear...

The girls and I went to Barnes and Noble for story time this last Saturday. They read a Pooh story and then Pooh was there to take pictures with afterwards. They take a polaroid picture, so I just scanned it since I didn't bring my camera along. Alyssa was very excited that Pooh was there, but she wouldn't go near him. I was lucky to get her this close to him.

Waiting for supper

Hannah just loves it when Alyssa reads her books.
The girls and I go to the library once a week for story time. Hannah just sits on the floor and listens patiently. Alyssa on the other hand would rather read books at home. All the other kids are a distraction to her and she just wants to either play or read her own books. Alyssa gets more into the craft that is after story time, she loves coloring, painting, and gluing.

Alyssa Nikay...

Alyssa looks like she is all ready to go to school.
What a cutie pie!!!

Alyssa ready to go bye bye with Dora in Hannah's carseat.

See my new pajamas.
They are a little big yet, but very comfy. I started taking out some of Alyssa 3T pjs and other clothes, as all of her pants are getting to short on her. Alyssa has a tiny waist and long legs, she could wear 18 month for her waist, but needs a 3T for the length. The adjustable waist is the greatest invention.

Hannah Ellen

Hannah sitting in her highchair after eating carrots. She spent quite a while sucking on her wash cloth once she was done eating.


Here are my roses that Bill sent to me. Aren't they beautiful!!!