Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Alyssa wearing panties...

Here is Alyssa in her training pants (panties). She got to wear them today for a couple of hours. She peed and pooped in her potty chair, then a half an hour later she had an accident. We decided that we would start working with her more once we take the baby home and while Bill is on leave. That will give Alyssa something new to take on. She is starting to show an interest in her potty chair, but not the big potty.

Final Update:
We had a false alarm on the 16th and ended up going in for my doctor's appointment in the morning instead of that afternoon. I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid, but it just turned out to be a mixture of my mucus plug (which I lost earlier that week) and my cervix starting to thin out. I have never been this pregnant, so it is all new for me. I have also been having contractions that started Tuesday the 20th at night and they have just been continuing. We are scheduled on the 23rd for the c-section and we can't wait to meet our new little one. I will be 38 weeks and one day, so I will be considered full term. Hopefully her lungs are ready on Friday, so she doesn't have to spend any time in the NICU. I also can't wait to see Alyssa's reaction to the new baby especially once we take her home. I will keep you updated once we get home from the hospital. Keep us in your thoughts.

Eating breakfast...

Here is Alyssa and Mommy eating eggs, toast and juice for breakfast.

Alyssa and Daddy...

Here is Alyssa pretending she is a baby.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Alyssa and Mommy...

Alyssa and Mommy laying on the couch before church.

Another update: We found out yesterday that the baby would not be born today (February 13th). When I called today to see what time on Friday I was told that the baby's lungs were not going to be ready on Friday either. Now we just have a doctor's appointment scheduled for the 16th. So as of right now we do not know when she will be born possibly on the 23rd, but nothing has been set up yet by the doctor. I will keep you all updated.

Alyssa & Dora

Alyssa is a big fan of Dora ever since she got her Dora doll for Christmas!!!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Look what I found...

Alyssa found a dried pea under the kitchen table and carried it around for quite a while today. The things that interest her is just amazing.

Update: Today I am 36 weeks and one day along. We went in this morning and had the amino done around 8:30. The procedure went well, but was very painful. We got the results back around 10:30 that the baby's lungs are still underdeveloped. We will get the results back from the Mayo clinic in Rochester sometime Monday. The results will determine if baby will be born on Tuesday the 13th or Friday the 16th. We will keep all of you updated. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Look at all my teeth...

Alyssa giggling away.

Peg arm

Here is Alyssa with a paper towel roll on her arm. She was running around slapping at the gate with her peg arm making music.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Here is Alyssa helping Daddy pick (eat) the ham off the bone to make soup. Now if you asked me if Alyssa liked ham I would have told you no, but here she is eating the meat right off the bone. She surprises me everyday.

Update: We are going into the hospital on the 9th of February for an amino. They will determine at that time if baby's lungs are developed enough. If her lungs are developed enough she will be born that day. If not, the fluid that they draw will be sent to the Mayo Clinic for more extensive testing. If the Mayo Clinic determines that her lungs are developed enough, she will be born on the 12th of February. If not, she will be born on the 16th of February, no later. I will keep you updated as we find out. Just keep us in your prayers that everything goes well.

Helping Daddy...

Here is Alyssa helping Daddy rise up the crib for our new baby!!!
Alyssa you are such a big helper.

Alyssa and Daddy...

Playing outside in the snow!!!

Check out that belly!!!

This is my belly at about 33 1/2 weeks along.
I definitely never got this big with Alyssa.

Alyssa and Mommy...

This is a picture of Alyssa and I vacuuming the living room. Alyssa got a barbie vacuum for Christmas and we got a new vacuum with our Christmas money.

Playing in the cupboard...

This is one of Alyssa's favorite places to play along with the food cupboard.