Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Reading a book...

Alyssa's favorite thing to do is read books, she is either reading to me or I am reading to her. It is unreal how quickly she learns. There are new words everyday. She is now signing several words such as "bath", "more", "baby", "book", "milk", "all done", etc. We are working on new words to sign everyday. She is so smart!!!


Breaux said...

That is so awesome that she loves books so much... it is a parent's dream! It's also great that she's doing so much signing. Does she speak all of the words that she signs or are the words she signs different from those she speaks?

Gruenes said...

Alyssa can say a lot more words than she can sign. She does not say more or milk she just signs them. The rest of the words that she signs she can also say. She is learning to say new words all the time. I don't think I can even count the number of words that she says.
