Sunday, September 17, 2006

Alyssa praying at the table...

Here is Alyssa praying at the table before supper. Today was the first time that she ever actually put her hands together to pray. It was so cute that I just had to get a picture. Usually she just laughs while we pray, but this time she laughed and prayed right along with us.
I had my surgery this morning, Mary and I were there by 7:30 am. I went in for the spinal sometime around 9:00 am and they were done with the cerclag and I was in recovery by 9:45 am. It is a simple procedure, but there is always the risk that the amniotic sac could break or the risk of infection. Everything seems to have gone okay. Mary, Mom, Nichole, and Dad came to visit me, which really helped pass the time. Especially since I had to wait for feeling to come back into my legs. I'm not quite sure, but I think I walked out of the hospital some time around 12:30.

1 comment:

Breaux said...

I'm glad that everything went so smoothly for you. This picture is just adorable! What a little sweetie!