Friday, September 29, 2006

Alyssa's new haircut

Here is Alyssa after her second haircut. Isn't she just adorable!!!
Alyssa also went with me to my doctor's appointment today. She was very good, which really surprised me. Tana (my doctor) checked my stitch that was put in during my surgery two weeks ago and said that everything looked good. Baby's heart rate was in the 170's today and Baby was very active. My second ultrasound is scheduled for October 31st, I am just hoping that Bill will be home by then. Bill is scheduled to be home some time around October 26th. Less than a month to go!!!


Anonymous said...

wow, she's gotten so big since I saw her last!!!

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute with her new haircut! I hope we can see her soon.
The Macs