Friday, September 29, 2006

Alyssa's new haircut

Here is Alyssa after her second haircut. Isn't she just adorable!!!
Alyssa also went with me to my doctor's appointment today. She was very good, which really surprised me. Tana (my doctor) checked my stitch that was put in during my surgery two weeks ago and said that everything looked good. Baby's heart rate was in the 170's today and Baby was very active. My second ultrasound is scheduled for October 31st, I am just hoping that Bill will be home by then. Bill is scheduled to be home some time around October 26th. Less than a month to go!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Look at me...

Here is our little cutie pie all ready for church. I just love this outfit and the shoes too.
Alyssa you are just too cute.

Climbing on the table

Now that Alyssa has figured out climbing, she will climb on anything, including the kitchen table. The first time she climbed up on the table I went out of the room for a minute and came back and she was on the kitchen table. She has no fears, which isn't always a good thing.

New PJ's

Here is Alyssa in her new pj's from NaNa M. They are just a little to big, but will fit her very soon. Alyssa just loves her footie pj's and never wants to take them off.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Reading a book...

Alyssa's favorite thing to do is read books, she is either reading to me or I am reading to her. It is unreal how quickly she learns. There are new words everyday. She is now signing several words such as "bath", "more", "baby", "book", "milk", "all done", etc. We are working on new words to sign everyday. She is so smart!!!

Eating with a fork

Alyssa loves using spoons and forks now. I usually let her use her own that way she doesn't hurt herself or anyone else. She does seem to favor her left hand so far, so she may take after PaPa Moteberg.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Alyssa and PaPa Gruenes

Here is Alyssa with a flower behind her ear. She was picking flowers with Grandma and Grandpa before they went back to Melrose. We just wanted to thank them again for coming to our house and helping us out the past couple of days.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Alyssa praying at the table...

Here is Alyssa praying at the table before supper. Today was the first time that she ever actually put her hands together to pray. It was so cute that I just had to get a picture. Usually she just laughs while we pray, but this time she laughed and prayed right along with us.
I had my surgery this morning, Mary and I were there by 7:30 am. I went in for the spinal sometime around 9:00 am and they were done with the cerclag and I was in recovery by 9:45 am. It is a simple procedure, but there is always the risk that the amniotic sac could break or the risk of infection. Everything seems to have gone okay. Mary, Mom, Nichole, and Dad came to visit me, which really helped pass the time. Especially since I had to wait for feeling to come back into my legs. I'm not quite sure, but I think I walked out of the hospital some time around 12:30.

Alyssa's Big Girl bed

Here is Alyssa crawling off her big girl bed. Grandma and Grandpa Gruenes came to stay with Alyssa and I for a couple of days. So, I decided to make up her bed with the new bedspread and sheets that I had picked up. Alyssa and I roomed together for two nights.

The newest additon to the Gruenes side!!!

Here is our newest nephew Eli with his proud sister Anna and brother Jonah. Elijah Patrick was born on September 7th, 2006 weighing 9lbs. 4 oz. and measuring 22 3/4 inches long. He is just adorable!!!
That still makes Alyssa the youngest girl on the Gruenes side.

Friday, September 15, 2006

I'm gonna get you!!!

Just look at that grin!!!

Playing with her dollhouse...

Here is Alyssa playing with her dollhouse. She has just recently took an interest in it.
And as you can see she is in need of a haircut. Help Kaylie!!!


Here is Alyssa reading a book. Whenever Alyssa has a chance she is either reading a book to herself or having me read one to her. She just loves books!!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Peek I see you!!!

Alyssa loves to stand at the door when someone leaves. She keeps yelling "bye bye" until the person is out of her sight.

First Ultrasound

My first ultrasound turned out to be a vaginal ultrasound to check on my cervix before my surgery. I was able to get a couple of pictures for everyone to see, but our detailed ultrasound is still to come!!! I can't wait. The top left picture is the best one. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Looking a little sleepy...

Alyssa looks a little sleepy in this picture. This was taken right before we left for church. Her allergies started flaring up this weekend, so she probably didn't feel the best either.

Helping Mom out...

Here is Alyssa helping me vacuum the living room and stairs. She just loves the vacuum cleaner and is always wanting to turn it on and off.

How big is Alyssa?

Whenever you ask Alyssa how big she is this is what she does. She is just too cute. Alyssa has also started climbing up on big people chairs now. They are all a challenge to her, but she is going to be able to do it or she gets very upset.

Just look at Alyssa...

Mom, Alyssa and I went over to LouAnn's house for a few minutes today for Alec's birthday party. Well, Mom gave Alyssa a taste of a chocolate mint stick before we left. Then I gave her one in the wrapper to hold until we got back to Mom's house to keep her happy. She was quiet the whole way back and when we got there I realized that Alyssa had chewed a hole in the wrap and had chocolate all over the place. It was very cute and Alyssa just sat back like she didn't do anything at all.

Our garage sale...

Alyssa helping Auntie with the money.

Alyssa and Tristan reading a book.


Alyssa, NaNa and Auntie hanging out at the garage sale.