Thursday, February 02, 2006

Update on Iceland

We got some disappointing news this past weekend, but hopefully everything turns out okay. As of right now Alyssa and I are not medically cleared to go to Iceland, due to Alyssa being a preemie. We have to reestablish Alyssa's medical paperwork. Alyssa's doctor put down some incorrect information on the paperwork. It's all a big mess, to top it all off they are losing their pediatrician in Iceland, which right now is the biggest reason they don't want Alyssa and I in Iceland.

The good news is that Alyssa had her second NICU follow up at the rehab on the 1st of February and they said she is doing everything at a 9-10 month level, which is how old she is. Alyssa weighed in at 18 pounds 6.7 ounces and measured 28 inches long. The doctor said that Alyssa is doing excellent and she doesn't need to see her again. Normally the doctor said that she would need to see Alyssa walk, but she is not to worried about her and that her pediatrician can follow up with that between 12-18 months. The doctor said that she would medically clear Alyssa to go to Iceland. So, that was reassuring to hear, but Dr. Sobus is not the one to determine if Alyssa can go or not. We are just hoping that everything works out for all of us to go, otherwise Bill will be going to Iceland by himself for one year.


Lisa said...

No pediatrician? Aren't there other military kids there? That's weird.

Untermeyer said...

Yes any overseas tour you have to get medical clearance. Some kids are able to see a family doctor instead of a pediatrician. I know when we got our orders for Japan they had to make sure that they had the medical facilities for me to be treated for my heart condition. They can do the echo's here but then they send it off to California base to have the report read. I know here in Japan they dont have the medical facilities for people that go into premature labor, if caught in time they are flown to Kadena Airbase and if not caught in time the may have to be treated at a japanese hospital off base. I hope everything turns out ok and you guys are all able to go. Do you know when they are going to know if you get clearance?

Untermeyer said...

Oh, I almost forgot we will know by they end of march if we are getting another overseas tour.

Lisa said...

That really sucks. I hope you are able to go.