Thursday, February 02, 2006

Standing baby!!!

Look what I can do!!!

Look at that grin!!!


Untermeyer said...

Wow its hard to believe she is so big already! I enjoyed lookiing at all the xmas pictures you posted, I just havent had time to sit down and write. Zachary keeps me very busy, it seems like whenever I would atempt to get online he would start crying.

Breaux said...

What a big girl! She suddenly looks so much older now that she's standing instead of sitting in the pics. She looks so cute clutching onto the gate and crib rail, like she's so proud!

Anonymous said...

I love both of these pics. In those jeans she looks like a little teenager. The grin on the crib one is so cute- it looks as if it could be "Look at what I can do." or "I got busted trying to get out." *smile*
I hope we can see her again soon. It's hard to believe its been over a month already since the last time we saw her.
Love, Aunt La Vonne

Anonymous said...

She looks so Happy! What a cutie.