Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Climbing the stairs!!!

Here is Alyssa after climbing the first set of stairs, just to get her shoes. She does a great job, she only slipped on the last stair. Hopefully she doesn't decide to do this when we're not looking, she thinks she can just stop and sit down to rest and tips backwards.
Alyssa and I went to our first Mom & Tot play group today. Alyssa didn't know what to think at first, but after a while she warmed up and started yelling "da da" the rest of the time. We will have to make sure we go back, Alyssa had a great time!!!

1 comment:

Untermeyer said...

She is such a cutie! I guess its time to get a gate for the stairs. Why is it that all kids like to bite on shoe laces?