Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Climbing the stairs!!!

Here is Alyssa after climbing the first set of stairs, just to get her shoes. She does a great job, she only slipped on the last stair. Hopefully she doesn't decide to do this when we're not looking, she thinks she can just stop and sit down to rest and tips backwards.
Alyssa and I went to our first Mom & Tot play group today. Alyssa didn't know what to think at first, but after a while she warmed up and started yelling "da da" the rest of the time. We will have to make sure we go back, Alyssa had a great time!!!

Giggling clip!!!

Video Sharing at
Make sure you have the volume on for this one.
Alyssa is giggling away!!!

Evangeline, Alyssa & Great-Grandpa

While we were at Mom & Dad's Grandpa & Evangeline stopped over to visit.

Grandpa & Alyssa

Bill Alyssa & I went out for lunch for our 2nd anniversary on the 14th of February. Mom and Dad watched Alyssa on Saturday night, so Bill & I could go out on a date. This is the first date we have gone on since Alyssa was born. We have gone out with friends, but not on our own. We went out for dinner and to a late movie. We had a lot of fun!!!

Alyssa & Daddy

Alyssa definately looks like her Daddy.
A serious and not-so-serious picture.

Alyssa in places she's not suppose to be

Time to move the potty chair.
Just look at this little turkey!!!
Here is Alyssa behind her highchair and the kitchen table.

I love this picture!!!

Alyssa is the cutest little girl!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I'm coming to get you Mommy!!!


One of Alyssa's favorite toys.

Here is Alyssa playing. I forgot to mention that Alyssa said "juice" this week for the first time!!! That was pretty exciting.

Alyssa's new bike trailer/stroller.

Alyssa didn't know what to think about this new bike trailer/stroller. She has her serious face on.

Alyssa on her potty chair.

Look at that grin!!!

Look at my new quilt from Grandma!!!

Here is Alyssa with Grandma and Alyssa's new Winnie the Pooh quilt that Grandma made her. Grandma also made Alyssa's doll a quilt to match. They are both very beautiful. Thank you Grandma!!! Alyssa also cut her third tooth today, it is the upper left lateral incisor (second tooth next to the middle).

Going bye bye with Mom & Dad

Alyssa is 10 months old today!!!

Great-Grandpa Solem's Birthday Party

Alyssa & Great-Grandpa
Mom, Karen & LouAnn
Breanna & Alyssa

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Standing baby!!!

Look what I can do!!!

Look at that grin!!!


Alyssa found a tag on Daddy's new sweatshirt.

Update on Iceland

We got some disappointing news this past weekend, but hopefully everything turns out okay. As of right now Alyssa and I are not medically cleared to go to Iceland, due to Alyssa being a preemie. We have to reestablish Alyssa's medical paperwork. Alyssa's doctor put down some incorrect information on the paperwork. It's all a big mess, to top it all off they are losing their pediatrician in Iceland, which right now is the biggest reason they don't want Alyssa and I in Iceland.

The good news is that Alyssa had her second NICU follow up at the rehab on the 1st of February and they said she is doing everything at a 9-10 month level, which is how old she is. Alyssa weighed in at 18 pounds 6.7 ounces and measured 28 inches long. The doctor said that Alyssa is doing excellent and she doesn't need to see her again. Normally the doctor said that she would need to see Alyssa walk, but she is not to worried about her and that her pediatrician can follow up with that between 12-18 months. The doctor said that she would medically clear Alyssa to go to Iceland. So, that was reassuring to hear, but Dr. Sobus is not the one to determine if Alyssa can go or not. We are just hoping that everything works out for all of us to go, otherwise Bill will be going to Iceland by himself for one year.

Alyssa in the laundry basket!!!

Alyssa started pulling herself up to standing position yesterday!!! Here she is in the laundry basket after helping me fold some clothes. That's our little cutie.