Monday, November 14, 2005

She finally did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alyssa has been rolling from back to belly for quite awhile now, on the 13th of this month she finally rolled from belly to back. The top picture was taken right before she rolled from belly to back for the first time. All it took was doing it a couple of times. Now she just keeps going over and over. I ran downstairs for a minute today when I got back upstairs she was already to the stairs. It looks like we are going to have to get some gates and get everything moved up, so she doesn't get into it. Now we are on to our next mission: sitting up. I love watching her go through every milestone in her life.


Lisa said...

Way to go, Alyssa!

She is sooo cute!!

Breaux said...

I bet she really enjoys her newfound freedom of getting around. It's so much more exciting than just sitting there!