Monday, November 21, 2005

Our sick little girl:o(

Alyssa and I got our flu shots today. Alyssa didn't do so good with hers, she threw up twice and has had a cold for a week now. I do have to say she is one happy sick baby. After she threw up she was just as happy as can be. The first night was pretty rough, I slept in her room. She woke up a few times and we had to suck the boogers out of her nose because she was having a hard time breathing. I felt so bad for her.


Breaux said...

You have all of my sympathy. I'm dreading Tyler's flu shot. He was going to get it tomorrow, but he wasn't feeling well today so now we have to wait. I just feel so bad for little ones when they aren't feeling well.

Untermeyer said...

Flu shots, gotta love them. Zachary is too little for one so everyone else had to get one. Luckily noone got sick from it. I hope she is doing better.