Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Playtime with Daddy

Here is Alyssa with a new toy. We use it to practice sitting up. I think Bill likes it more than Alyssa does. Today was a big day for Alyssa she cut her first tooth. We noticed one coming in on Saturday and it broke the skin today. Bill thinks the other one is coming too, but I don't see anything yet. Alyssa also said her first word "hi" this past weekend. She has been saying it for a while now, but she made it obvious this weekend.


Breaux said...

It's so cute how she stares directly at the camera! Teeth... wow, a whole new world. I hope that teething is a breeze for her, as it will make your life much easier. It is WONDERFUL that she is beginning to say words. Does she say "mama" and "dada"? Keep up the good work team!

Gruenes said...

Alyssa only says "hi" for now. She says it all the time. We try to get her to say "mama" and "dada", but she just isn't ready yet.