Friday, September 18, 2009

Wittlich Pigfest: August 15, 2009

The girls

Daniel by the ponies.

Alyssa & Hannah on the ponies.

Hannah on the pony and Daddy.

Alyssa in the Hello Kitty car.

Hannah riding with Goofey!!!

The girls on the helicopter.

Daniel and Daddy

Hannah and Alyssa riding on Mickey!!!

Mom and Daniel on the ferris wheel.

Daddy and the girls on the ferris wheel.

Our family on the ferris wheel, Daniel's first time!!!

Dad and Hannah on the bumper cars.

And here it is the best part one of the delicious pigs. This is a huge festival in our area of Germany. We didn't get to go last year as we had just gotten here and were not familiar with the area. This will be our first and last time going as we now have our assignment to TX with a report no later date of June 15, 2010!!!

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