Saturday, September 19, 2009

Some snapshots of Mister Daniel...

playing in the grass

playing outside

crawling through the tunnel with Alyssa

wrestling with Daddy

Playing in the dirt, his favorite:o)

An update on Daniel. Well, first off he got his first cold the end of August, which only last a couple days. Then the poor guy got diarrhea, which last almost two full weeks. We are not quite sure what that was as he had nothing else along with it. It may have been an allergic reaction to Gerber Bitter Bisquits, as he had one of those the two nights prior to the diarrhea starting. But would and allergic reaction last that long? I have not tried those with him since, but will one of these days. It sure made for an interesting trip while Grandma and Grandpa M. were here as we did a whole lot of traveling. He got his 8th tooth the day Grandma and Grandpa got here the 29th of August. On the 31st of August he weighed in at 21 pounds 5 ounces and measured 30 inches in length. He pulled himself up for the first time while Grandma and Grandpa were here so they got to see a milestone along with a little cruising. He is now a pro at standing up and sitting back down. So he is testing the cruising thing a little more now, but is still not to comfortable with it. Last Sunday we decided to try Daniel with regular Nestle's Good Start Supreme formula. We are going to have his stools tested this week and see if he is having any problems with it. So far I have been doing one scoop along with two of his regular formula (Nutramigen). Tomorrow will be one week with the one scoop, so I am going to start doing half and half. I will keep you updated. Oh and if you notice Daniel really only has his binky when he is outside as we force it, otherwise he is eating everything from dirt to sticks to leaves to rocks. When he is in the house the only time he uses it is when he is napping or upset, otherwise he wants nothing to do with it. As of last night he is working on cold number two, second one this month, poor guy.


Nichole and Pete said...

I love his expression in the bottom looks like he is giving you some attitude ;)

Zeimetz Family said...

Aww, daniel is soo cute...and yea, allergic reactions can take that long to probably didnt help that he was getting teeth at the same time. I remember the first time LK had an orange slice...poor kid was tore up for 2 weeks from one orange slice.