Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More Exciting Family News!!!

Well, we found out this week that we are going to have another little one joining the Gruenes family next year. You will never guess who. Well, it is Sandy and Brady again. You are probably thinking didn't they just have a little boy (Cory) in March this year. Yes, they did. Cory was born on March 18th and we were told that Sandy due date is March 20th, 2009. I talked to Sandy this week and she told me that the doctor told her that she would not carry baby until her due date, so Cory and baby will not even be a year apart. We just wanted to Congratulate the two of you one more time.

By the time we get back to ND/MN we are going to have four new little ones to meet, two that are Sandy & Brady's, one Nichole & Pete's, and one Deb & Sam's!!! A lot sure goes on in a couple years.

1 comment:

Zeimetz Family said...

WOW! What news that is!