Monday, July 27, 2009

Daniel eating a nectarine

He loves fresh fruit. Every time we have fruit Daniel has to have some too. He eats nectarines, blueberries, apples, & pineapple. We are staying away from strawberries for now as he has a milk allergy. Daniel now has four teeth and is doing an army crawl. He has yet to figure out the traditional crawl. He had his echo done last Monday in Trier and the hole in his heart is now closed up!!! They would still like to see him again in a year as there is something else with a vessel that babies have in the womb and Daniel's is still partial open. It is a vessel that connects the atrium and the aorta. This is more minor that the hole in his heart, so there is not a whole lot to worry about anymore, which is great. He will have a follow up again in a year. We will keep you updated.

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