Thursday, June 25, 2009

Big Update....

Well, I'm not to sure who all knows that Bill applied to do MTI duty in Texas. Well we got word when we got back from our Paris trip last Friday that he got the position. We have not yet gotten official word, but he did talk to the person that does the hiring. We may have a report no later date of November 1st, but that is not for sure. If that is the case we will be leaving Germany around the middle of October. This is a special duty that is for four years and possibly up to six if we like it. It will be nice to be back in the states, but we are sure going to miss Germany. As it is so beautiful here and there is so much to do. I will keep all of you updated.

Take care,


Tip-Tops said...

We think that is completely AWESOME!! It will be great to have you in Texas!! SA is just a very, very short trip from where we are. Two hours at the most, and it the city is soooo very fun and family friendly!

Maybe we'll even get to have some of the yanks down her for Christmas??


Lisa said...

Get ready!! Today it was 106 degrees!! This is something like day 5 of 100+ degree weather, and it's projected to be this way well unto July.
Leave your parka's and snow boots in Germany.


Zeimetz Family said...

YAY!!!! San Antonio here we come! Let me know if you need any help, I can use any excuse to get away from Ft. Sill for a while. After karl gets back from his next deployment we're going to try for Ft. Carson CO...change of scenery would be nice..