Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Flowers for Mommy!!!

When Bill and Hannah went to Hannah's eye appointment back a couple weeks ago they decided that I needed some flowers. So, they picked these out for me!!! They were very beautiful, but they never opened up and didn't really have a smell to them, very different from the roses in the states.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty roses! We are finally doing our flower bed infront of our house. With my birthday cash I purchased 4 perennials and the rose bush I had to put my name on a list for next year. (The rose bush sells out quickly.) The color of the roses are pretty much the same as what yours are pictured here Yellowish/Orange. I didn't want to go with a pink or red. I have two white bleeding heart plants and two shrubs that will have yellow flowers on them. The rose bush will be in the center of the flower bed with a bleeding heart on each side along with the shrub. We plan on planting annuals in front of the perennials. This will be a start of our permanent flower bed. La Vonne