Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hannah's first haircut (5/25/09)

Hannah's first haircut!!!
She still has a few curls left in the back, Nichole made me feel guilty.

A proud little girl!!!

At the salon

Before front shot

Before back shot, just look at all those curls.

While I am thinking about it I just wanted to fill everyone in on Hannah's eyes. We were having some concerns about her eyes wandering when she was daydreaming or drinking. She had her first eye appointment today and had her eyes checked and dilated. They are not to concerned right now as they straighten back out fairly quick. They would like to see her again in three months to keep an eye on her. So far so good!!! I will keep you updated.


Nichole and Pete said...

Oh...the curls are so cute!! It's not my fault you feel guilty about cutting them all off ;) I just stated my opinion and of course I'm always right...ha ha!! I think it turned out perfect :)

Good job Hannah with your first hair cut!! Looks like you did an awesome job...see ya in about 9 days!!

Anonymous said...

Love the new dos on all three of you! The McWilliams