Sunday, May 17, 2009

Daniel's four month photo shoot

So, I attempted another photo shoot with Daniel as we still have not made an appointment to have the kids pictures done. The girls have hair appointments now, so we can set up pictures once that is done. I finally also set up a hair appointment for myself, I sure do miss Kaylie coming to our house to do everyone's hair. It has been 10 months since my hair has been cut, yuck. I am in major need of a haircut, that is why I have just been wearing my hair in a ponytail. I am going to a German beautician in our village and the girls are going to the base to a German beautician.

On to Daniel. Well, he started baby food almost two weeks ago and he loves it. With Alyssa and Hannah they were not ready the first time I tried with them, but Daniel sure was. We found out one day when we were at the ice cream shop that he was ready. Daniel was in the sling and every time I took a bite of ice cream he was opening up his mouth. Other exciting news for him!!! He got his first tooth yesterday at 5 months old. I had to look in the baby books to see when the girls got their first tooth. Alyssa got hers at 7 1/2 months, Hannah at 5 months. So, all three got their first tooth at the same time. That is if you correct Alyssa to when she was suppose to be born. I thought that was pretty neat!!!


brenduray said...

Hey they look good to me you did a good job.

Nichole and Pete said...

Cute...I think my favorite one is the third one down, but their all adorable of course :)