Monday, January 26, 2009

My attempt at a photo shoot.

I am going to attempt to do the kids pictures myself this year as it is very expensive to get them done here in Germany. So, we will see how that goes. This was a trial as I do not need to do Daniel's until he is three months old. Hannah's two year pictures will be done next month, Daniel's three month pictures in March, Alyssa's four year pictures in April. So, I will be very busy coming up with lots of ideas. If you have any suggestions for me just let me know. Thanks!!!


Nichole and Pete said...

Those turned out so cute!! Pretty good job for your first attempt. I love the one of Daniel where he has his nostrils flared out!! Well actually I loved them all that one just made me smile ;)

Zeimetz Family said...

I love all the pics of the kids! Daniel is sooo sweet!