Sunday, January 04, 2009

Going Home

Here is little Daniel in his car seat, the same car seat both his sisters used.

Daniel & Mommy

Daddy & Daniel waiting to go home.
We had to wait for Daniel to go have an ultrasound done on his heart before we could leave the hospital. The pediatrician noticed that he had a slight heart murmur, which did turn out to be a very small hole in his heart. They are not overly concerned as it should close all up, most of the time it does. We have a follow up appointment in a couple of weeks. We will let you know what we find out.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that. No need to be concerned. Brayden was born with the same thing, but his has never closed but has not gotten bigger either and they don't think it will be he has to be checked every three-five years. It has had no effect on him, except if he has to have any work done at the dentist, etc he has to have an antibiotic first to prevent infection in the heart. Tristan is going to a Ped. Heart Dr as well at the child's medical university here this month as the doctor is hearing a heat murmur and wants us to have it checked out. I will keep Daniel in my prayers!

Unknown said...

He is so beautiful! Love the pics of the girls holding him. :) I'm sure every thing will be fine with his heart. I'm glad every thing went ok for you. Take care.


Lisa said...

Nick had a murmur also..It went away eventually-