Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bourscheid Castle

Alyssa & Uncle Pat

Daddy & Hannah

Daddy & Hannah

Our Family

Daddy and the Girls

Alyssa posing for the camera.

The Girls

Hannah & Grandpa

Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Pat and our Family spent the day at Bourscheid castle in Luxembourg. It was a lot of fun for everyone.

Hanging out with family!!!

Grandma & Alyssa playing UNO.

Daniel & Grandpa rocking.

Uncle Pat & Hannah painting.

Alyssa & Grandpa snuggling.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

The day after Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Pat got here we celebrated both Grandma and Grandpa's birthdays. We had plans for the day they got here, but other things happened. Alyssa ended up going into the ER to find out that she had strep throat, then they had to find a pharmacy to get the prescription filled as it was a Sunday evening. Hannah never did end up getting it, surprisingly.

Doctor Evil

You gotta love this one.

Our two babies...

Hannah & Daniel: just look at the size difference.

Daniel cooling off.

Can you believe our baby girl is going to be two years old in just over three weeks?
Thanks for the new dress Auntie and Uncle Pete!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

More pj pictures

We have had some growing children lately.
Hannah is growing out of a lot of her 24 month & 2T clothing, so I had to take out the 3T pj's, which of course are big. I am going to have to start putting her in 3T shirts as most of the 24m & 2T are to short for her.
Alyssa is just getting low on pj's that she likes. 4T clothing seems to fit her pretty well still, except pants are starting to get a little short. Both girls have decided that they only like to wear nightgowns.
And of course Daniel is still wearing 0-3 month, but some are getting to small. So, it won't be long and he will be in 3-6 month clothing. Can you believe he is already six weeks old yesterday? Last time he was weighed was last week at 11 lbs. 13 oz., around the 75th percentile for weight, height & head. He is growing like a weed. He had his heart rechecked and the hole hasn't gotten any bigger or smaller. He will have another ultrasound in six months and if it is the same or smaller he will only need to be seen once a year until the hole closes up. We also had to switch Daniel's formula as he may have a milk allergy, his formula is now very expensive $24.50 a can. Thank goodness for WIC. He had some blood in his stool and a milk allergy can cause that. We have had to take stool samples this week and he will go back in either today or tomorrow for a follow up and hopefully the formula switch fixed it. Our little guy has had quite a few issues since he was born compared to the girls, but we are working through it.

Snuggly Dora PJ's

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Daniel William

Hanging out in his sling.

Snoozing on the couch.

Trying to get a burp out.

Alyssa Nikay

All ready for bed.

Peek a Boo!!!

Hannah with her baby quilt that Grandma M. made for her.

Our Little Burritos!!!

Eating Spaghetti

Alyssa Nikay

Here she is again.

Once again Hannah woke up in the morning wearing Alyssa clothes. She is to funny!!!

Cutie Pie

Daniel after a bath, which by the way he loves.

You gotta love the outfit!!!

This is what I found Hannah wearing after a nap one day. She was digging in Alyssa's dresser and found one of Alyssa's undershirts.



Presents from Uncle Ben

Thank you Uncle Ben!!!
Alyssa just loves her My Little Ponies.

A visit from Uncle Ben

Uncle Ben came to visit from Las Vegas. He spent 10 days here. We didn't get to do to much as we were still adjusting to life with a new baby. Plus Bill wasn't able to get any time off then. He is our second visitor from the US!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

My attempt at a photo shoot.

I am going to attempt to do the kids pictures myself this year as it is very expensive to get them done here in Germany. So, we will see how that goes. This was a trial as I do not need to do Daniel's until he is three months old. Hannah's two year pictures will be done next month, Daniel's three month pictures in March, Alyssa's four year pictures in April. So, I will be very busy coming up with lots of ideas. If you have any suggestions for me just let me know. Thanks!!!