Monday, December 01, 2008

Daddy & Alyssa

Ever since I picked up some undershirts for Alyssa that is all she wants to wear to bed now, so she can be just like her Daddy. She intentionally picked this out for bed all the way down to the socks, so she could match Dad. I just had to get a picture!!! One night when we were putting Alyssa to bed, once she was laying down she took off her shirt and threw it down on the floor. As she knows Bill takes his shirt off when he goes to bed. We had to convince her that she was going to get cold if she didn't have a shirt on. Her reply was "but Daddy doesn't sleep in a shirt". We did convince her to put it back on, but it took some time.


Nichole and Pete said...

Alyssa are you a daddy's girl??

That's funny she wanted to take her shirt off too...gotta be just like her daddy!! :)

Anonymous said...

Has Bill been working out?
