Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Last two weeks...

  • Nov. 27th (Thanksgiving Day) We drove to Ramstein and spent the day with the Wiedeman Family (Jeff, Diana, CJ & Zak). Jeff was Bill's Shop Chief back a few years ago in Grand Forks. We ate a whole lot of delicious food and played a few games. The girls got to watch a couple of movies, we all had a blast. Thanks for the great day!!! I don't know what we would have done had they not invited us over.
  • Nov. 28th (Black Friday) We did a little shopping at the BX in Bitburg, but it just wasn't the same. I really missed the Black Friday shopping back in the states. Getting up at 4:00 in the morning with my Sister and Dad to stand in lines for all the deals.
  • Nov. 29th we went back to Ramstein to finish up our Christmas shopping for the girls/baby. I ended up getting a new rocker/recliner at the Aafes furniture store, it was $150.00 off a manager's special. The only thing is they had to ship it to the Aafes furniture store in Bitburg, so we will not get it for about a month.
  • Dec. 1st the girls and I headed to MOPS. My second MOPS meeting and I can't wait until the next one on the 15th.
  • Dec. 4th we had our 2nd to last doctor's appointment. Baby now weighs about 6 lbs. 6 oz. Everything is looking good except that my amniotic fluid is kind of low. They will check it again next week. They showed me a chart that had high, medium, and low levels charted and I am just above the low level line. I was surprised as my doctor had never mentioned it as a concern before. They said it was nothing to be too concerned about. My next and last appointment is on Dec. 12th.
  • Dec. 5th my Sister arrived safe and sound!!! We are all looking forward to all the time we get to spend with her this month.
  • Dec. 6th we got in the van and headed to Luxembourg to see the Vianden Castle.
  • Dec. 7th (today) we decided at the last minute to go to Belgium to do some furniture shopping. As we are looking for a new kitchen table and chair set. We ate at My Home a small Cafe in Saint Vith. We got back just in time to bring Alyssa to her AWANA class. We want to get some sightseeing in with my sis before the baby comes, as it will be hard once he gets here. If we had more time today we would have liked to have brought her to the Netherlands also. So, in the last two days Nichole has been in three new countries.

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