Monday, November 26, 2007


Daddy & Hannah snoozing after Thanksgiving dinner.

Alyssa reading the phone book to Dakota.

Alyssa putting on her socks, this is new for her and she gets very excited if she can get them on by herself.

Hannah all ready for bed, playing with the magnets on the fridge.

I forgot my camera for Thanksgiving this year, so this is all the pictures that I got. We went to my Aunt Deb & Uncle Jim's house on Wednesday night to celebrate Thanksgiving. Then on Thanksgiving Day we went to Mom & Dad's house. Black Friday Nichole and I were shopping at 4:00 in the morning. We shopped until about 10:00 in the morning and I was home by 11:30 with pizza for lunch. We had a blast just like every year!!!


Breaux said...

Adorable snoozing pic!! And I love the phone book pic also, I'm sure Dakota was learning lots.. too cute!!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I was wondering if you two would be out shopping on Black Friday! Silly girls. :-) Did you get any great specials or was it just the tradition of going? I can't believe how Hannah has changed so much. Seeing her standing is neat. She looks like a little girl, no longer a baby. I loved all of the updates - it's been awhile since I checked out the site. Love, Aunt La Vonne