Friday, November 02, 2007

Trick or Treat

Daddy & Alyssa trick or treating at our house.

By the end of the evening Alyssa was frozen. Trick or treating started at 6:00, Daddy and Alyssa got going by about 6:15 and got home at 7:45, with one potty break in between. I really didn't think that she would last that long, but she did. They went to a few people's houses that Bill works with, so they ended up like five or six blocks from home. She did a whole lot of walking so she was worn out when she got home.

Here is Alyssa with all of her Halloween candy.
Bill and I brought the girls to the clinic earlier that day. They do trick or treating there every year. Alyssa, Hannah and I also went to three Halloween parties during the last week. Along with the Halloween carnival last weekend and the pumpkin patch the weekend before. Alyssa really got into Halloween this year.

1 comment:

Breaux said...

Nice candy supply, Alyssa!! It looks chilly, but at least there's not 2 feet of snow on the ground like when we were kids, huh?!!