Sunday, August 27, 2006

Going down...

Alyssa now loves her little slide. When we are outside she is constantly climbing up and going down the slide.
I had my first doctor's appointment today. The doc said that everything looks good with my cervix so far. I have my first ultrasound scheduled on the 29th of August. I can't wait. Then my cerclage is scheduled for September 11th. I'm not looking forward to that, but it needs to be done. Bill's parents are going to come stay with Alyssa and I for a couple of days to help me out. I really appreciate them doing that for me:o)


Untermeyer said...

It's funny how kids interests change so quickly! I hope everything goes alright with your procedure. That is awesome that Bill's parents are able to come and stay with you. Keep us posted and let us know when you are able to find out if you are having a boy or girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything is going good with your pregnancy. Good luck with the procedure, everything will turn out fine! We found out about a month ago that we are expecting too! We are due in April again, I am about 8 weeks.