Sunday, August 27, 2006

Isn't she just the cutest little girl!!!

I started putting Alyssa's hair in a ponytail once in a while because everywhere we go there is always someone that thinks she is a boy even if she is wearing pink everything. She just looks so grown up with her hair pulled back. She is going to need a haircut again sometime soon. Her bangs are almost in her eyes again.
Oh I forgot to mention that Alyssa is starting to catch on to the sign language that I have been working on with her. We started when she was about nine months, but of course I got lazy with it. So, I am working on it more with her. We have a Baby Einstein video that works with the kids on a few words, also. She signs "bath" all the time and has signed "more" a couple of times, and "book" a couple of times. She has learned so much in the past couple of weeks. Alyssa will try to say any word that I repeat to her and does a great job for the most part. We are also working on the alphabet letters A through D and she almost has it down.
I got my child care license today and took my first child on the 16th of August. I am watching a little girl for a couple of hours every Wednesday and Friday and also a little boy every Tuesday for a couple of hours. I also got a call Monday the 21st to watch a 2 month old full-time for two weeks, his parents are both military and they are in the processes of PCS ing. Alyssa is great with the children that I watch and I enjoy it also.


Untermeyer said...

Alyssa you are way too cute! You look so grown up with your hair pulled up.

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! I can't believe how big she is already!