Friday, July 07, 2006

Update on our lives...

I just wanted to share our exciting news with all of you. Alyssa is going to be a big sister in February/March time frame. I took a home pregnancy test yesterday and it came back positive, so I went to the clinic today to confirm it. Today I am five weeks along. Our due date is March 7, 2007, but I have a feeling the baby will be born sometime in February. I have to have a procedure done at about 14 weeks that will be taken out at 37 weeks. The baby will come sometime after that. We are very excited about the news!!!

Bill made it to the desert safe and sound last week and will be home some time at the end of October. He was very excited to hear that we have a little one on the way, as we have been trying since April. We were crushed when we found out that he had to leave as we would have to wait four more months. I took a test the week before Bill left and it was negative, but I guess it was just to soon to tell. Now I will be half way through the pregnancy when he gets home, which will be nice.


Untermeyer said...

Congrats to you guys! A new addition to your family, that is so exciting. We are very happy for you all. You will be really busy once the baby gets here, not that your not already! Kids always seem to keep you very busy, they have so much energy all the time.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! That is awesome! They will be able to be playmates since they will be close in age. Are you all hoping for a boy this time?

Gruenes said...

Neither Bill or myself care if we have a boy or a girl. A girl would be nice because we already have the clothes, but I would also love to have a baby boy. As long as the little one is healthy is all that matters to us. I just don't want the baby to have to be in the NICU. I can't wait to find out the sex of the baby!!!