Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A comparison


Alyssa had her 15 month well-baby check up today. She weighed in at 21 lbs. 14 oz. and measured 30 inches long. She is somewhere between the 25th-50th percentile for her weight and close to the 50th percentile for her length. Her head is in the 90th percentile at 18.3 inches. Alyssa was put on an antihistamine for the congestion she has been having for the past four months and it seems to be helping. Alyssa's vocabulary is growing all the time. She can now say DaDa, MaMa, PaPa, puppy, kitty, alldone, baby, hi, byebye, yes, what, Buddy, and she tries so hard to say bird. I'm sure there are a few words that I forgot about, but for the most part that is most of them. She also learned to shake her head and say "uhuha", but she has not learned no yet because we try not to use that word so much.
Today Alyssa went swimming in her pool. I decided to put her in the robe she got when she was little, it is 0-9 month size. In the picture above she is wearing her white one, but they are the same size and brand.

1 comment:

Untermeyer said...

Its hard to believe how fast they grow up. What a big change! Time seems to go by so fast when they are little. I can't believe Zachary will be a year old in a couple months, that is just crazy. Earlier this week he had a wic appt and they weighed him at 31 lbs. He's a solid boy.