Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Alyssa yelling at the neighbor's dogs

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Here is Alyssa yelling at the neighbor's dogs because they were barking at her. Make sure you have the volume up for this one!!!

Sitting on the counter...

Just look at that grin!!!
We love you and miss you, Daddy!!!


Alyssa discovered flowers this week!!! Any flower that she sees is picked and either carried around or thrown on the ground. She is just adorable.

Playing with the food and dishes.

Here she is playing with the pretend food. This is one of the items we loaned from the Child Care Lending Program and Alyssa just loves it. Alyssa got two more teeth this week, her bottom one-year molars, so now she has 12 teeth!!!

Going down the slide.

Alyssa decided today that it is okay to climb up and go down the slide. She did this when we first got this and has not done it again until today. I guess she just needed a break from it.

Petting the cows!!!

Alyssa and the calves.
Here is Marissa, Alyssa and MarJenna petting the cow. Alyssa was not to fond of any of the animals at the fair. She was kind of scared of all of them, which is surprising to me. I guess maybe it was to much at once, but she does still love cats, dogs and birds.

Monday, July 17, 2006

4-H Fashion Show at the Fertile Fair

Marissa, Alyssa & MarJenna

Alyssa in her new dress that Marissa made.


Here is MarJenna, Marissa and Alyssa before the 4-H Fashion Show. Marissa made Alyssa this beautiful sundress and Alyssa got to model it!!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Update on our lives...

I just wanted to share our exciting news with all of you. Alyssa is going to be a big sister in February/March time frame. I took a home pregnancy test yesterday and it came back positive, so I went to the clinic today to confirm it. Today I am five weeks along. Our due date is March 7, 2007, but I have a feeling the baby will be born sometime in February. I have to have a procedure done at about 14 weeks that will be taken out at 37 weeks. The baby will come sometime after that. We are very excited about the news!!!

Bill made it to the desert safe and sound last week and will be home some time at the end of October. He was very excited to hear that we have a little one on the way, as we have been trying since April. We were crushed when we found out that he had to leave as we would have to wait four more months. I took a test the week before Bill left and it was negative, but I guess it was just to soon to tell. Now I will be half way through the pregnancy when he gets home, which will be nice.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy 4th of July!!!

This one is for you, Bill.


Alyssa and I spent our 4th of July at playgroup for a couple of hours, then Alyssa took a 3 hour nap, and finally we headed to GF to have supper with Nichole & Pete.

Pushing the wagon...

Alyssa spent the afternoon pushing her wagon up and down the sidewalk while Mommy steered it. Everytime I went to steer Alyssa would yell for me not to touch the wagon because she wanted to do it by herself.

Clip of Alyssa's first haircut...

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This one is for you Bill, that way you didn't miss out.

Thank you, Kaylie!!!

Kaylie & Alyssa

Alyssa playing with my hair and it was a lot.


Alyssa and Mommy with our new hairdos.

Alyssa's first haircut before, during and after...

Alyssa just got her bangs trimmed today, we did not cut anymore than that because she doesn't have much to cut quite yet.

A comparison


Alyssa had her 15 month well-baby check up today. She weighed in at 21 lbs. 14 oz. and measured 30 inches long. She is somewhere between the 25th-50th percentile for her weight and close to the 50th percentile for her length. Her head is in the 90th percentile at 18.3 inches. Alyssa was put on an antihistamine for the congestion she has been having for the past four months and it seems to be helping. Alyssa's vocabulary is growing all the time. She can now say DaDa, MaMa, PaPa, puppy, kitty, alldone, baby, hi, byebye, yes, what, Buddy, and she tries so hard to say bird. I'm sure there are a few words that I forgot about, but for the most part that is most of them. She also learned to shake her head and say "uhuha", but she has not learned no yet because we try not to use that word so much.
Today Alyssa went swimming in her pool. I decided to put her in the robe she got when she was little, it is 0-9 month size. In the picture above she is wearing her white one, but they are the same size and brand.

Sitting on a chair

This week Alyssa learned to climb up on chairs and turn around all on her own to sit down. She also puts her clothes into the dirty basket at the end of the day. Like I said she is learning something new all the time!!! It all just amazes me!!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Daddy leaving:o(

This is when we dropped Bill off to leave for the desert. Alyssa was still sleeping when we got there. She woke up when Bill was putting her back into her carseat. So, at least Bill got to see her with her eyes open one last time before he left. We are going to make that four months fly by.

Alyssa fell asleep

Alyssa fell asleep while Daddy finished up getting everything together to leave.

Piggyback ride!!!

Alyssa getting a piggyback ride from Daddy. If you sit at the top of the stairs Alyssa will get on your back for a piggyback ride. She even holds on pretty good.

In the shoebox

Alyssa in Daddy's shoebox for his boots. She is wearing her Bambi pj's for the last time:o(, they are so cute, but the bottoms don't button anymore. She is getting to big.

Looking in the mirror

Here is Alyssa on our bed looking in the mirror.

Daddy & Alyssa

I just love this picture of Alyssa, so sorry Bill I know you don't like this one of yourself.

Brushing teeth

Here is Alyssa brushing her own teeth. She gets to brush her teeth every morning and Mommy gets to brush them at night before bed.

Alyssa reading a book!!!

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Make sure you have the volume up for this one. Alyssa is reading a book. If Alyssa picks up a book and it is upside down, she will turn it the correct way. I just think she such a smart little girl. She is always learning and doing something new.


Alyssa taking a nap in her new "big girl" bed. I am starting Alyssa out with naps in her bed before we move on to bedtime.

Bath time pictures...

Just out of the tub!!!
Here is Alyssa and Mommy at the end of bath time.

Alyssa & "puppy" Dakota

Here is Alyssa with "puppy" Dakota. She gets so excited when she sees any "puppy" or "kitty". Even the birds are puppies or kitties. She hasn't quite learned bird, but she tries so hard.

Alyssa with...

Alyssa and PaPa
Alyssa learned to say Grandpa "PaPa", it is so cute.
Uncle Pete & Alyssa
Happy Birthday Auntie Nichole!!!
In the two bottom pictures with Nichole and Pete, Alyssa just wanted to be with Grandpa and no one else.


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Drying off after a bath

Alyssa after her bath with Mommy.

Walking around the yard!!!

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