Monday, January 30, 2006

Another new food for Alyssa!!!

Here is Alyssa eating some baby toast. We have been getting more daring to have her try new foods. Besides her baby food, cereal and fruit/veggi puffs she has tried wagon wheels (like a honeycomb, but by Gerber), baby toast, natural applesauce, bananas, steamed fresh pears, grapes and small tastes of many other things that maybe she shouldn't have like ice cream, root beer floats, jello & pudding. She gets very mad if you only give her a small taste of something. It's like a tease to her.


Breaux said...

I bet she's having a blast experimenting with all of the different textures. When Ty was about 8 mos old, he just loved the baby toast. Does Alyssa have many teeth?

Gruenes said...

She still just has the two on the bottom. She is working on the top two, but they haven't quite made it through yet.

Lisa said...

We were very strict with Nick, but Carmen and Luke are/were spoiled when it came to table food. It's fun watching them try new things!