Thursday, January 12, 2006

January 11, 2006

Here is Alyssa in her first pair of Levi's.
What a cutie!!!

Here is Alyssa in her 12 month snowsuit. It's still a little big, but it works. Hopefully this one will get her through the winter. This is her third snowsuit this fall/winter. They grow up way to fast.
Alyssa had her 9 month well-baby check up this past Monday and she weighed in at 17 lbs. 15 oz. (35th percentile) and measured 27 1/2 inches (50th percentile). With everything that Alyssa is doing now the doctor put her at a 7-8 month level, which is great. She has come along way.
Well, now that I am finally caught up on Alyssa's blog maybe I can catch up on my e-mail. We have been so busy since we found out that we got orders to Iceland. We have been running here and there for Christmas/New Year's and trying to go thru all of our things. There is so much to do when moving overseas. The most important thing is that we have been spending a lot of time with our families.


Lisa said...

I love the pic of her in jeans. She looks so laid back.

Breaux said...

She looks so precious in those little jeans!