Friday, December 22, 2006

Baby Gruenes

We finally got our scanner working again, so I decided that I would share our ultrasound with all of you. As you can see we are expecting another little girl. We are very excited!!!

Alyssa's first Christmas gift this year...

Alyssa got to open her first Christmas present today from her friend Ben.

The fort...

Here is Bill, Alyssa and her friend Christopher playing in the fort they built!!!

Alyssa and Mommy...

Here is Alyssa and Mommy after our haircuts.
Thanks Kaylie.

During her haircut...

Alyssa getting a haircut by Kaylie. Alyssa did pretty good sitting on the counter for her haircut. She actually got more than just her bangs cut this time!!! And Daddy was home for it this time.

Alyssa and NaNa

Alyssa before her third haircut with NaNa.

Alyssa, Uncle Pete and the puppies...

Here is Alyssa with the new edition to the Koprince family: Koda. Koda was adopted by Nichole and Pete from a family at the base that was moving to Germany.

Alyssa and PaPa...

Here is PaPa and Alyssa eating cake.

Cousin Marissa and Alyssa


Our Family...

Bill, Michelle & Alyssa by NaNa and PaPa's Christmas tree.

Alyssa in her new sweater

Here is Alyssa in her new sweater from NaNa and PaPa!!!

Alyssa and NaNa

Alyssa and NaNa at the bowling alley.

Alyssa's first time bowling!!!

Alyssa went bowling for the first time today! PaPa, NaNa, Aunt LaVonne, Marissa and MarJenna were also there. She had a blast pushing the ball and as you can see she did the best out of the four of us girls.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Alyssa and our Christmas tree

Here is Alyssa with our first big Christmas tree. This was one of my "black Friday" specials. I got a prelit tree and Bill added some red lights to it. Now we just need to decorate it, so we can get our Christmas picture done.
Well, this is it for now of our pictures. I woke up at 5:45 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to finally update the blog. I have been slacking on pictures, but we have been very busy since Bill got home. I have also been watching several families children this month, so we don't have time to do a whole lot of anything else.
Well, I hope all is well with all of you. I will try to keep you all updated more often. Next week is a milestone for us, on the 14th of December I will be 28 weeks with this pregnancy. I went into the hospital at 28 weeks with Alyssa and had her at 28 weeks and 6 days. Last week at my ultrasound my cervix was measuring at 3.6, which is just below normal (4). So, it is holding up very well and I have not been put on bedrest yet and am hoping that it doesn't happen.
Bill has his last two wisdom teeth pulled today, so hopefully that goes well.

MarJenna and Alyssa...

Here is Alyssa with her cousin MarJenna.
Alyssa just loves hanging out with all of her cousins!!! I can't wait for her second Christmas this year.

Riding the tractor...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Here is Alyssa riding the tractor at Jim and Deb's house. We spent Thanksgiving with my Mom's side eating lots of great food!!!
Nichole, Dad & I did our yearly after Thanksgiving shopping "black Friday". Dad just went to Best Buy at 2:45am. Nichole and I started around 3:30am and pretty much hit every other store in Grand Forks. Menards was the place I did most of my spending this year along with last year too. I didn't get as much this year as I have in the past, but I did have lots of fun spending time with my little sis.

DaDa and Alyssa

We spent five days in Melrose with Mary and Tony in November. Poor Alyssa was sick the whole time we were there. She had gotten her flu shot that prior Monday and still ended up with the flu. She sure didn't let it get her down. Alyssa is full of energy. She had vomiting the first night we got to NaNa and PaPa's and diarrhea the rest of the time. She got over it fairly quickly and was back to her normal self in about a week. She has always been very spunky.

Playing "peek" with NaNa Gruenes


PaPa with Alyssa and Sam...

Here is Grandpa Gruenes, Sam and Alyssa at Auntie Nancy's surprise 40th birthday party. Mary and I spent the day with Nancy and Sandy trying to keep Nancy busy until evening. It was a great birthday party, because Nancy had no idea what was being planned!!! Great job, Kevin.


Here is Alyssa giving Mommy kisses. She is just too cute for words. Now most of the time when we get a kiss we also get an "I love you".
Here is also a visual of my big belly. Everything is going very well with this pregnancy, our little girl is a very active one. Which is completely opposite of Alyssa, we very rarely felt her move in my tummy.

Alyssa on her cow...

Look at me, Daddy!!!
Here is our little dare devil, she has no fears sometimes.

Alyssa and Mommy outside...


Alyssa and Daddy reading...

Here is Alyssa and Daddy reading Alyssa's new Halloween book.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy Halloween!!!

Alyssa pushing her stoller at the Alerus Center.
Alyssa with the pumpkin.
Alyssa went as a bee for Halloween.
Alyssa with Kinsey the convict.
We brought Alyssa to the Alerus Center for Halloween again this year. We decided to go around 7:30 instead of earlier. That was a big mistake as we waited in line for a long time and most of the businesses were out of candy by the time we got inside. Alyssa just wanted to run around, then she got tired and just sat in her stroller the rest of the time. Next year we will have to be better prepared. We also took Alyssa to the clinic on base on the 28th and she got to go trick or treating there. She had a blast doing that.
We also had our ultrasound today. Baby currently weighs 1 pound 3 ounces and has a heart rate around 161 beats per minute. I was 21 weeks and 5 days along and baby was measuring 22 weeks and 5 days. So far everything is looking good with my cervix. They are going to continue to do vaginal ultrasounds monthly to check my cervix. We will keep you all updated. I also wanted to let all of you know that we are going to be having another baby girl!!!! We are all very excited and can't wait to meet our new little one.

Bath time...

Alyssa after her bath, just look at that grin.

All three of our pumpkins...

Daddy, Mommy and Alyssa's pumpkins.

Carving a pumpkin with Daddy...

Scraping the pumpkin.
Alyssa all grossed out by the slimy texture.
Alyssa with her hand in the pumpkin. Alyssa also helped Mommy pick out all the good seed to bake in the oven.

Halloween Carnival...

Our little bee with Daddy!!!
Alyssa throwing bean bags.
Alyssa putting candy into her Halloween bag.

Our third visit to the pumpkin patch...

Alyssa playing with the intertube.
Daddy and Alyssa in the hay maze.
Mommy and Alyssa on the intertube.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Daddy made it home!!!

Bill made it home yesterday evening the 26th. Alyssa wasn't to sure of him at first, but the next morning she didn't want him to leave her side. She sure missed her Daddy.

Carving Pumpkins...

The final product.
Alyssa with all the pumpkins.
Left to right Mommy's, Uncle Pete's, Alyssa's and Auntie KoKo's.


The three of us had fun carving pumpkins. Alyssa didn't want to help us out very much. She got grossed out by the slimy texture, so she just hung out with NaNa.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Alyssa and Auntie KoKo...

Here is Alyssa digging everything out of Auntie's purse. Including all of Auntie's money and credit cards, she is very smart I trained her myself!!!


Here is Alyssa carrying around Auntie KoKo's Coke. She licked all over the top of the can then gave it to Auntie. Thank goodness Alyssa doesn't care for any kind of pop. She gets grossed out from it and spits it out.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

This picture is just too cute...

I don't normally let Alyssa sleep with any stuffed animals. I made an exception this time and once she was sleeping I took it from her. I just couldn't resist getting a picture of her with her bear from PaPa and NaNa Gruenes. She normally just sleeps with her baby doll and her two blankets.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Alyssa's new winter jacket...

Here is Alyssa in her new winter jacket, it also came with snowpants. It is a little to big, but perfect to fit her all winter long, I hope!!! I can't believe that she is already moving on to size 24 months. I remember when I said that she would never fit into size 18 months, now she is growing out of them. That was looking at a size 18 months when she didn't even fit in preemie clothes yet, it is just crazy how fast they grow.