Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy Halloween!!!

Alyssa pushing her stoller at the Alerus Center.
Alyssa with the pumpkin.
Alyssa went as a bee for Halloween.
Alyssa with Kinsey the convict.
We brought Alyssa to the Alerus Center for Halloween again this year. We decided to go around 7:30 instead of earlier. That was a big mistake as we waited in line for a long time and most of the businesses were out of candy by the time we got inside. Alyssa just wanted to run around, then she got tired and just sat in her stroller the rest of the time. Next year we will have to be better prepared. We also took Alyssa to the clinic on base on the 28th and she got to go trick or treating there. She had a blast doing that.
We also had our ultrasound today. Baby currently weighs 1 pound 3 ounces and has a heart rate around 161 beats per minute. I was 21 weeks and 5 days along and baby was measuring 22 weeks and 5 days. So far everything is looking good with my cervix. They are going to continue to do vaginal ultrasounds monthly to check my cervix. We will keep you all updated. I also wanted to let all of you know that we are going to be having another baby girl!!!! We are all very excited and can't wait to meet our new little one.


Anonymous said...

I love keeping up with you all on your blog.. :) Alyssa is SO cute.. Cant wait for the new one to arrive. :)

Love you all...

Aunt LaDawna

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Guess you will have to have a third if you want a boy!! I have my big altersound on Dec 5th. We will hopefully find out what we are having. Alyssa sure made a cute little bee!

Untermeyer said...

WOW!! Another girl thats exciting. Alyssa will love having a baby sister. Congrats!!!